Cost of Living Crisis 2023

Do you want to heat your home, generate as much hot water as you need and cook meals? Do you want to get off the electrical grid and be self-sufficient? Woodburning fireplaces are a great way to save on heating…

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Removing rust on my fireplace

Have you noticed any rust marks on your fireplace lately? The reddish-brown oxide forming on parts of your firebox might have caused concern and has you doubting the quality of your purchase. But rest assured, all metal surfaces will suffer…

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How do I cure the paint surface on my new fire?

Stove Bright high temperature paint has been air dried, creating a quality coating.  To optimize the performance of the coating and to maximise its durability, it needs to go through a heating process. Do the following BEFORE you use your new fire…

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How high do I need my Flue?

The minimum flue height as specified in the standard AS/NZ 2918 is not less than 4.6 metres from the top of the floor protector – for solid fuel heaters. The presence of adjacent tall trees or buildings may mean that…

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Why is my fire smoking?

There are several reasons why a fire may smoke into the room.  Check the following points: Clean the chimney. If the chimney has been swept, check that the sweep has reassembled the flue system and fire correctly. Check that the…

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Troubleshooting Chimney Draft Problems

We often hear the complaint that someone has a ’bad’ stove or fireplace because it smokes into the house. In our experience however, draft problems are almost never caused by the fireplace or appliance, and in fact 75% can usually…

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Can I burn coal in my wood fire?

Warmington fires have been tested to burn wood only. Burning coal will produce black smoke which is damaging to the environment and can burn very hot which can damage the firebox, in extreme cases.

Architects & Designers

Warmington’s® Technical Engineers can review drawings, offer solutions and advice on all technical questions and detail, to help overcome and solve issues with the installation of your chosen fireplace.

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