What is negative draught?

It is important that outside air is available for the fire to burn properly. New homes with double glazing and airtight windows, often starve the fires from oxygen, especially when an extractor fan or HRV system is in use. This…

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What is a damper and how is it used?

The damper is used to control the airflow into the firebox. By opening and closing the damper, you have some level of control regarding how fast and hot a fire burns. This keeps your house at optimal temperatures, and your…

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Good woodburning techniques

The key to a smoke free fire is a nice, hot fire box with large bright flames. It’s all about good combustion, where the wood ignites quickly and burns all at once, instead of smouldering from one end to the…

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Do I need a permit to install a fire?

All installations for a new, or replacement INDOOR fire, require a permit from the Council.  Check your Council website for Solid Fuel Heating Appliance (eg. Fireplaces) consent forms and relevant information. On private land, you can install a small heating…

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Will a gas fire heat my whole house?

The heat output of gas fires range from 5.8kw to 9.2 kw, depending on the size of the fire. Gas fires are effective at heating the immediate area, and not the whole home.

Who do I need to install my Gas Fire?

All gas fires need to be installed by a Certified Installer with a New Zealand Home Heating Association Certificate. The Installer will then appoint a Gas Fitter to connect the gas to the fire and will issue a Code of…

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Architects & Designers

Warmingtons’ Technical Engineers can review drawings, offer solutions and advice on all technical questions and detail, to help overcome and solve issues with the installation of your chosen fireplace.

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